How the game works

have someone pick a number between 1-100, find the number, and ask the question!

1. What was the last thing that made you laugh?

2. What is one of your favorite memories? 

3. What is something you’ve never done that you’ve always wanted to do? Why haven’t you done it yet? 

4. If money cannot buy happiness, can you ever be truly happy with no money?

5. Can a positive outlook make any situation better?

6. If you could go back and do one good deed that you had the opportunity to do but didn’t, what would it be and why?

7. How would the people closest to you describe you?

8. If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be And why?

9. What’s your favorite joke? 

10. Is there ever a time when giving up makes sense?

11. What is your biggest fear?

12. If you could live one day of your life over again, what day would you choose?

13. How did your parents meet?

14. What is your No. 1 karaoke song?

15. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?

16. If money didn’t matter what would your dream job be? 

17. What is the most valuable life lesson you learned from your parents?

18. Who do you think of first when you think of ‘success?’

19. What’s the best and worst thing about getting older?

20. Would you rather time travel to the past or the future?

21. Would you take a bullet for someone in your life?

22. What do you value most in friends?

23. What is the first thing you notice when you meet someone?

24. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

25. What is your favorite book?

26. What is one thing you would change about our society?

27. Would you rather be hated or forgotten?

28. What songs would make up the soundtrack of your life?

29. What small change could the world make to become a Better place tomorrow?

30. If you could trade places with someone for the day, who would it be and why?

31. When in your life have you felt closest to God?

32. If you could only eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, what restaurant do you choose? (there is a right answer <3)

33. What is a food combination that you enjoy that others might find weird?

34. What is your biggest pet peeve?

35. What is one thing you feel your life is missing?

36. What’s the last thing that REALLY embarrassed you?

37. Who do you aspire to be more like?

38. Where would you like to travel to?

39. Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place?

40. What do you think is more important: exploring the world or yourself?

41. What risks are worth taking?

42. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you want to be?

43. What would you wish to accomplish in life if you could only accomplish one thing?

44. What’s one thing you would change about yourself?

45. What’s one thing you’d love to learn more about? 

46. What are the three things that you cannot live without?

47. What is the most dangerous/adventurous thing you have ever done?

48. Who is your celebrity crush?

49. What are the three things that make you happy instantly?

50. What is your favorite quality about your best friend? or a common quality that a lot of your friends share? 

51. What are you most afraid of?

52. Would you rather know everything or be amazing at any activity you tried?

53. Who or what do you think of when you think of love?

54. What are the primary components of a happy life?

55. Is competition good for us?

56. What is your favorite season and why?

57. What kind of old person would you like to become?

58. What would be a perfect/ideal day for you? 

59. In what way are you your own worst enemy?

60. What makes you feel accomplished?

61. Do you have any secret talents?

62. If you could do anything for someone in your life right now, what would it be and who would it be for?

63. Do you live more in the moment, or planning for the future?

64. Would you rather be famous when you are alive and forgotten when you die or unknown when you are alive but famous after you die?

65. Would you rather ask for help or figure it out yourself?

66. What are you most afraid of losing?

67. What does your name mean, and why was it given to you?

68. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

69. What was the most important life lesson you learned as a child?

70. What do you value most in a friendship?

71. What decade in your opinion, had the best fashion trends?

72. What are your biggest goals in life?

73. Favorite thing about the person sitting beside you?

74. Do you easily accept compliments? or do you hate compliments?

75. When you were younger what did you think you were going to be when you grew up? 

76. Has there been something that’s happened that has forever changed how you think?

77. How do you think your parents would describe you as a child? 

78. what is your biggest goal in life?

79. Are you a dog person or a cat person?

80. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?

81. Would you rather travel to the future or the past?

82. Real talk, do aliens exist?

83. If you could write one new law that everyone had to obey, what law would you create?

84. If you won the lottery, would you still work?

85. Who is the one person in this world that knows you best?

86. If all of life’s constraints were eliminated, what would you want to do every day?

87. Would you rather travel to another planet or the bottom of the ocean?

88. Whats one thing that’s happened to you that has made you a stronger person?

89. Who do you think has had the largest influence on the person you are today

90. Would you rather be always hungry or always thirsty?

91. Would you take your boss’s job if it was offered to you?

92. Is a hot dog a sandwich? 

93. Where is one place you feel most like yourself?

94. Does a person’s name influence the person they become?

95. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? 

96. You have a 10-minute speech to give at a high school, what is it about?

97. What is one invention you would un-Invent if you could?

98. What is your favorite attribute about yourself?

99. What’s the best conspiracy theory you can make up on the spot?

100. If you could be any animal what would you be?